Either a martingale, slip leash, slip collar, flat collar and normal leash. We recommend the EzyDog Luca Lite Leash.
A treat pouch, we recommend not putting treats in your pocket. Using a treat pouch ensures quick and easy deliverance of treats.
Treats mixed in with their morning or evening meal.
A long line. (5m-20m) We do sell these if you need one
A mat/ bed/ towel.
Refund Policy
Please note, by paying for your class online, you agree to the following:
Refunds are not processed due to nonattendance.
Payment must be made to confirm your booking. Bookings are not confirmed until payment is made.
We do not offer catch up sessions- there are no make-up classes. All of our classes have staggered start dates and run at capacity; which doesn’t allow for make-up sessions. Please be sure you or a family member can attend each session. There is no refund for missed sessions.
By paying for your private session online, you agree to the following: